Project "SOS H2O", a multi-use good at the Matana Reference School
In many parts of the world, the amount of water available decreases and the quality deteriorates. So, according to a report published in 2015 by the United Nations on the occasion of World Water Day, near 2 people on 10 are deprived of drinking water, while 4 sure 10 do not have basic sanitation.
Aware that food safety and water quality are essential to human development, students of the Monegasque school Francis Nicolas Barré (FANB) initiated the project "SOS H2O", whose goal is to educate students to access to water conflict from the development of a humanitarian project around this theme.
For two school years students FANB, in collaboration with the company EauNergie, built a water purification machine for improving access to drinking water for college students and high school "Friends of Children" at Matana, in Burundi, in partnership with AMADE, Children and Future and CFM Indosuez.
Matana “Child Friendly” Reference School
This initiative, the establishment of reference "Child Friendly" Matana now has the machine 'EauNergie' allowing both to filter and purify water and enhance student learning of the establishment.
The Prefect of Studies, Mr. Gilbert RUCINTANGO, indeed speaks of a teaching tool. Students in the science section will learn for example physical concepts, Chemistry and Technology. "You saw how students posed questions as relevant on the complex operation of the filter system and water purification ! This shows that even if they had learned these concepts in class, the need to see, to touch, handling were still there, unsatisfied. », this M. Rucintango.

For the Director of the establishment, Mr. Dieudonné help, the pump comes relieve the school community because according to him, water consumed in school was not pure. "There are often pipe breaks and water leaks, which makes the water unsuitable. We record cases of children suffering from abdominal pain which may be due to this water contaminated with various microbes or soiled to capture, in the pipes ... ", this M. help.
Although the decision was made to boil drinking water to reduce microbial diseases, it loses its natural taste and is not appreciated by consumers.

Students testify about the SOS H2O Project
Students in 1 Scientific era that witnessed the installation of the machine speak of a good very useful for health, learning and more inspiration for their creativity and commitment to improving the quality of life in communities Burundian.
I thank many people who have had this idea of giving our school such a machine. This shows us that they are charitable, they like us they do not know us. We will now consume clean water, purified of all microbes and bacteria. It's also a sort of inspiration for me to be generous.

BUGENGE Francis Carnot
This pump will improve the health of students. Sometimes, children contracted the lack of hygiene-related diseases such as intestinal worms, cases (rares) diarrhea ... probably because of the dirty water. I myself have suffered from typhoid fever this year and I think that the disease was due to the dirty water I consumed here.

I say a big thank you to the place of those benefactors who thought of us ! On the day of the installation of the water pump, I saw and practiced assembling the pipes, valve operation and manual pump, the use and importance of closing the water purification ... Anyway, it inspires us ! I had an idea of a machine or electrification without power tool Burundian campaigns.

MUGISHA Santiana
Guided observation of the installation of the pump has strengthened and improved my knowledge of physical and technological sciences such mechanism : plumbing tools, the operation of the booster, the pressure meter, the butterfly or filter membrane, regulating machine ... it was my first time to see these things in a functional mechanism. This shows us that we can create our own materials in the future.

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