The project, pilot, of a water system funded by the Government of Monaco in the Moroccan South (Akka) was installed in May 2012, on behalf of the ALCESDAM.
Founded in 1985, l’ALCESDAM (Aassociation for the Lutte Cwe are thereIT'Srosion, the Sdrought and Desertification Au Maroc) has given itself the mission of combating desertification in Morocco. It rehabilitates palm groves, fight against plant diseases and participate in various emancipation actions, of development, literacy or even for an active role of women in the economy.
Pumping water in the Moroccan desert
An autonomous palm grove in water
A date palm farmer located in an isolated site in Tata province near the small town of Akka, was spending 12 000 euros per year to run a Renault engine 21 to have water. This converted engine ran on gas. But still too expensive, he needed a sustainable product, more efficient and easy to use. The government of Monaco funded this project on behalf of ALCESDAM.
Thanks to this initiative and its charitable funding, the farmers of the concession were first able to pay 2 times less contributions then, at the end of 5 years only, contributions have become free. 26 members of the farm now benefit from the advantages of EauNergie's autonomous pumping system on this agricultural site.
With the installation of EauNergie, water production has been multiplied and has made it possible to irrigate more land in the palm grove. Fostering, according to the expectations of the project, the increase of economic activity and the development of the region.

Front and gas engine
After : solar panels
Make autonomous
High water yield and renewable energy created on site have enabled the site to develop..
Few components
S’adapter, it is also taking advantage of the sun when it avoids the use of batteries.
Solar panels have a long lifespan, they lose less than 10% of capacity in 25 years.
A tailor-made installation by EauNergie
EauNergie therefore carried out the design and implementation of this solar pumping station. It is powered by a 40m² solar photovoltaic station without battery. The solution provides up to 300m³ of water per day.
Advantage, the choice was naturally made not to use batteries since the region only knows 35 sunny days per year. This is a meteorological opportunity that becomes an ecological asset. ALCESDAM was won over by a solution offering clean energy that even eliminates the need for batteries.
Costs are amortized quickly and can finance other projects.
No more combustion, photovoltaic does not require any fuel
Front and gas engine
300m³ of water per day, this is 300.000 liters that are pumped by the solar station.