The company EAUNERGIE s & rsquo; is committed to maintaining the highest standards of & rsquo; integrity and governance & rsquo; business to maintain & rsquo; excellence in its daily activities and promote confidence in its governance system. L & rsquo; conduct its business openly activities, honest and ethical. The company recognizes the & rsquo; importance of protecting all human assets, financial, physical, IT, social, environmental and reputation. Environmental policies, health and safety will be implemented at all levels to facilitate integration across the working channel and all its subsidiaries.

Social responsibility of the business

The company will ensure that all questions of social responsibility to be supported in its activities and administrative issues are consistent with the interests of the stakeholders of the company. The company s & rsquo; is committed to being recognized as a Responsible organization and recognizes that, doing, it adds significant value to its efforts as :
– Conduct business in a socially responsible and ethical manner
– Protecting the environment and the safety of people
– Support Rights of & rsquo; human and universal rights
– To hire, learn, respecting and supporting the communities and cultures we work

Relations with stakeholders

L & rsquo; business engage stakeholders clearly, honest and respectful. The company is open to dialogue with all stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, the employees, Indigenous Peoples, Governments, regulators and landowners among others.

Employee Relations

L & rsquo; business will ensure that employees are treated fairly, with dignity and consideration of their aspirations, and diversity in the workplace be adopted. The Company will implement fair labor practices, while complying with national and international laws. The company s & rsquo; committed to provide equal opportunities in all aspects of employment and s & rsquo; not tolerate or do not commit misconduct in the workplace, including discrimination, l & rsquo; intimidation or harassment.

Rights & rsquo; man

L & rsquo; business recognizes that governments have the primary responsibility to promote and protect the rights of the & rsquo; man. Thereby, l & rsquo; company will work with governments and organizations to support and respect the rights of the & rsquo; man in our areas of action. The company will not tolerate violations of the rights of the & rsquo; man and s & rsquo; not engage or be complicit & rsquo; any activity that solicits or encourages & rsquo; abuse of human & rsquo; man. The company s & rsquo; always strive to create trust, d & rsquo; offer mutual benefit and to show respect for crops, customs, the values ​​of individuals and groups.

Health Safety Environment Policy

The EAUNERGIE company is a professional organization and environmentally conscious, which recognizes the & rsquo; impact its operations may have on & rsquo; environment. L & rsquo; EAUNERGIE clear objective is to minimize any impact on the & rsquo; environment by preventing pollution, reducing waste and ensuring wherever possible that measures are in place to protect and preserve natural habitats, flora and fauna.
Given the impact that our operations have on the local community, the society :
– Take measures to eliminate or reduce, as much as possible, any potentially negative environmental impact,
– Will promote the environmental awareness among its suppliers, contractors and partners by implementation of operational procedures,
– Seek to work in partnership with the community by behaving responsibly and socially responsible,
– Ensure checks, surveys and reports & rsquo; timely and effective incident
The management staff will ensure that environmental issues are taken into account adequately in the planning and the daily supervision of all work. EAUNERGIE will comply fully with its obligations in accordance with the requirements of the legislation, while respecting, according to best practices, the requirements and obligations contained in the approved international guidelines.
As part of the & rsquo; EAUNERGIE commitment to maintaining the highest standards of sustainable development, l & rsquo; s business & rsquo; work to implement the & rsquo Management Systems, Environment and Quality conform to ISO standards 14001:2004 and ISO 9001:2000 not to mention the application of social responsibility principles and business set out in the Global Compact (Global Compact), the International Trade Organization and other international organizations to promote fair trade as well as those in voluntary initiatives.
All employees and contractors are expected to cooperate and assist in the implementation of this policy while ensuring that their own work, the extent possible, be made without risk to themselves, for others and for the & rsquo; environment.
The operation of this policy and related procedures will be monitored and reviewed regularly to s & rsquo; ensuring that & rsquo; they are continually days

The direction